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Arsene Collection

Through this inaugural range published for the rebirth of the COTTAN house, discover a natural and vegan beauty ritual, composed of unique and new products such as a dulcified soap, a beauty micellar vinegar or an evanescent cream, to complete your routine these masterpieces of formulatorial art.

Softened Face Soap - 100grCOTTAN - Savon visage dulcifié - Soin Visage - Usage
Softened Face Soap - 100gr Sale price€19,00
Cleansing Powder-FoamPot en verre de poudre nettoyante COTTAN avec une rose en bouton en pleine croissance à côté, un bol de poudre et une base en verre translucide, sur un fond neutre.
Cleansing Powder-Foam Sale price€29,00
Ritual Set - Arsène CollectionRitual Set - Arsène Collection