On October 27 2021 aired the 159th episode of the reference beauty podcast, the Beauty Toaster - thought, created and animated by Chantal Soutarson for more than three years - dedicated to the revival of the COTTAN house. A lively discussion on the enthusiasm and the challenges linked to such a project. Among the questions raised:
Cottan is a brand that was created two centuries ago and had completely fallen into oblivion. How do we go about bringing it back to life?
Who originally created Cottan? And what was the particularity of this brand ?
To bring back to life is not the same as before, especially when two centuries separate the birth and the rebirth. What were the main challenges?
When you saw some of the brand's products, some of the formulas, didn't you say to yourself: "we never invent anything"?
What "2021 like" choices did you make in terms of ingredients
What products make up Cottan today in 2021 ? What makes it so special? Who is the brand aimed at ?
What is more complicated: creating a brand from scratch or resurrecting one?
And many others, as we go along. Here are some words from the soul of this podcast, Chantal Soutarson, to announce this new episode:
"In the nearly 4 years I've been doing interviews🎙for you on Beauty Toaster, I've never heard a story of this importance before. Fasten your seat-belts, let's go back in time. It's moving, inspiring, and makes you want to look back in time. Because at long last, whatever we say, we never invent anything..."
Here is the link to the full episode: Behind the scenes of the revival of the COTTAN house on Beauty Toaster.
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